Your Vocabulary Limits your Ability to Think and Experience Life

To live a full life you must expand your vocabulary around familiar topic areas and entirely new ones

Kesh Anand
5 min readSep 4, 2019
Credit: PDPics from Pixabay

An English speaker can get through most daily situations with a vocabulary of about 3000 words. Most other languages have a similar number of words required to get through the day-to-day.

If your vocabulary is significantly less than this — you will struggle to communicate your message and intent to others or understand theirs.

Why then, is it important to learn more than this?

Because words allow you to identify, analyse and communicate experiences and ideas that are difficult to otherwise get your head around — let alone succinctly. This applies to familiar topic areas as well as entirely new ones.

Familiar topic areas:

You’ve probably drunk a glass of wine before. If you’re an average person — you can probably tell if a wine is red or white, sweet or….not sweet. You’d also describe it as such.

Having a greater vocabulary around wine tasting would allow you to make a statement like this:

“It is a cloudy dark ruby drop. On the nose it was earthy with cedar overtones. Strong

